British Airways: Кошмар на новоселье

Седьмого мая 2008 года в Палате общин британского парламента состоялся пренеприятный разговор в форме допроса. На ковер были вызваны три джентльмена, в марте и апреле того же года опозорившие Великобританию и Ее Величество, Елизавету Вторую. Позор был столь масштабный и столь публичный, что без парламентских слушаний обойтись оказалось невозможно.   Кто же были эти «позорники», ... Read more

Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama We have bigger houses but smaller families: We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgements; more experts but more problems; more medicines, but less healthiness. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but we have trouble crossing the street to meet the new ... Read more

FED Component Types

3 fundamental FED component types: Stateless, Stateful, and Structural. Stateless Components: Keeping It Simple Stateless components don't manage internal state. They use props to render data, ideal for lightweight scenarios. Stateful Components: Managing Complexity Stateful components handle and maintain internal state, crucial for dynamic content and complex interactions. Structural Components: Building the Foundation Structural components ... Read more

Fashion and Fitness

Many straight guys are averse to exploring their style and how they dress because they think it’s “gay” or intrudes on their masculinity. It makes most men feel uncomfortable. A lot of men feel set in their ways and don’t like the idea of changing the type of shirts they’ve worn, or the haircut they’ve ... Read more