Color gradient

Here You can set your two colors in RGB or HSL mode and find color between tnem in HSL color model or just click random color gradient.

First color: #bca22f; rgb(188,162,47); hsl(49,60%,46%); black black white white
Second color: #e65328; rgb(230,83,40); hsl(14,59%,53%); black black white white
Number of steps:  

Color gradient

First color: #bca22f; rgb(188,162,47); hsl(49,60%,46%); black black white white
Gradient: #c09f30; rgb(192,159,48); hsl(46,60%,47%); black black white white
Gradient: #c09730; rgb(192,151,48); hsl(43,60%,47%); black black white white
Gradient: #c49131; rgb(196,145,49); hsl(39,60%,48%); black black white white
Gradient: #c88c32; rgb(200,140,50); hsl(36,60%,49%); black black white white
Gradient: #c88532; rgb(200,133,50); hsl(33,60%,49%); black black white white
Gradient: #cb8034; rgb(203,128,52); hsl(30,59%,50%); black black white white
Gradient: #cb7834; rgb(203,120,52); hsl(27,59%,50%); black black white white
Gradient: #cc7338; rgb(204,115,56); hsl(24,59%,51%); black black white white
Gradient: #cd6d3c; rgb(205,109,60); hsl(20,59%,52%); black black white white
Gradient: #cd653c; rgb(205,101,60); hsl(17,59%,52%); black black white white
Second color: #e65328; rgb(230,83,40); hsl(14,59%,53%); black black white white