The new .on() and .off() APIs unify all the ways of attaching events to a document in jQuery: bind, unbind, delegate, undelegate, live, die - which are now deprecated.
$(elements).on( events [, selector] [, data] , handler ); $(elements).off( [ events ] [, selector] [, handler] );
When a selector is provided, .on() is similar to .delegate() in that it attaches a delegated event handler, filtered by the selector. When the selector is omitted or null the call is like .bind().
$('a').bind('click', myHandler); // old $('a').on('click', myHandler); // new $('form').bind('submit', { val: 42 }, fn); // old $('form').on('submit', { val: 42 }, fn); // new $(window).unbind('scroll.myPlugin'); // old $(window).off('scroll.myPlugin'); // new $('.comment').delegate('a.add', 'click', addNew); // old $('.comment').on('click', 'a.add', addNew); // new $('.dialog').undelegate('a', 'click.myDlg'); // old $('.dialog').off('click.myDlg', 'a'); // new $('a').live('click', fn); // old $(document).on('click', 'a', fn); // new $('a').die('click'); // old $(document).off('click', 'a'); // new $('.target').on('click', function() { console.log('clicked'); });