JSON - JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a combination of the array and the object literal notation.

{"name": "value", "some": [1, 2, 3]}

Parse JSON:

var json_str = '{"custom_key": "custom value"}'; // an input JSON string

var json_data = JSON.parse( json_str ); // default JavaScript method

console.log( json_data.custom_key ); // return "custom value"

Serialize any object or array into a JSON string:

var dog_obj = {

    name: "Fido",

    dob: new Date(),

    legs: [1, 2, 3, 4]


var json_str = JSON.stringify( dog_obj );

// json_str is now: {"name":"Fido","dob":"2010-04-11T22:36:22.436Z","legs":[1,2,3,4]}

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