Angular Path Alias

Path aliases simplify paths by giving a link to the path rather than using the the full relative path.

// before:

import { SharedModule } from '../../shared/shared.module';

import { DatePipe } from '../../../date.pipe';

import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';

// after:

import { SharedModule } from '@shared/shared.module';

import { DatePipe } from '@shared/pipes/date.pipe';

import { environment } from '@env/environment';

Path aliases are relative to compilerOptions.baseUrl. By default this is set to "./" so all path aliases we create must be fully qualified from the baseUrl.

Create the Aliases

This documentation uses a json program to modify the tsconfig.json file to simplify editing for everyone.

Run this command to install the json program:

json --version || sudo npm install -g json

json -f tsconfig.json -I -c "this.baseUrl = './'"

json -f tsconfig.json -I -c "this.compilerOptions.paths = {}"

json -f tsconfig.json -I -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@app/*'] = ['src/app/*']"

json -f tsconfig.json -I -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@core/*'] = ['src/app/core/*']"

json -f tsconfig.json -I -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@shared/*'] = ['src/app/shared/*']"

json -f tsconfig.json -I -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@env/*'] = ['src/environments/*']"

After our changes:

/* globally accessible app code (in every feature module) */

import { SomeSingletonService } from '@app/core';

import { environment } from '@env/environment';

/* localy accessible feature module code, always use relative path */

import { ExampleService } from './example.service';

tsconfig.json after the execution of the CLI commands:


  "compilerOptions": {


    "baseUrl": "./",

    "paths": {

      "@app/*": [



      "@core/*": [



      "@shared/*": [



      "@env/*": [






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