
Books on JavaScript:

Douglas Crockford - "JavaScript The Good Parts" on GoogleTechTalks

Creating an Object in js

var person = {

  firstName : "John",

  lastName : "Doe",

  sayHi : function() {

   return "Hi there"; 



console.log( person.firstName + person.lastName + person.sayHi ); // returns 'John Doe Hi there'

/*var person = new Object();

person.firstName = "John";

person.lastName = "Doe";

person.sayHi = function() {

  return "Hi there";


Factory functions in js

var createPerson = function(firstName, lastName) {

  return {

    firstName : firstName,

    lastName : lastName,

    sayHi : function() {

      return "Hi there";




var johnDoe = createPerson("John", "Doe");

console.log( johnDoe.firstName ); // returns 'John'

var janeDoe = createPerson("Jane", "Doe");

console.log( janeDoe.firstName ); // returns 'Jane'

Create array of objects in js

var arr = [];

var img_list = $('.related-lots li');

$.each(img_list, function(index, item){

var obj = {

		image_url: image_url_str,

		href: href_url




var person = {

	getName: function () { // public method

		return this._getFirst() + ' ' + this._getLast();


	_getFirst: function () { // private method

		// code


	_getLast: function () { // private method

		// code



var myApplication = function(){

  var name = 'Chris';

  var age = '34';

  var status = 'single';

  function createMember(){

    // [...]


  function getMemberDetails(){

    // [...]







//myApplication.get() and myApplication.create() now work.

JavaScript callback pattern

function func1(callback) {

	// some code


	// some code


function func2() {

	// some code



JavaScript callback example

// refactored findNodes() to accept a callback

var findNodes = function (callback) {

	var i = 100000, // big, heavy loop

		nodes = [], // stores the result

		found; // the next node found

	// check if callback is callable

	if (typeof callback !== "function") {

		callback = false;


	while (i) {

		i -= 1;

		// complex logic here...

		// now callback:

		if (callback) {





	return nodes;


// a callback function

var hide = function (node) {

	node.style.display = "none";


// find the nodes and hide them as you go


// or you can pass an anonymous callback

findNodes(function (node) {

	node.style.display = "block";


Borrow and bind methods

var one = {

    name: "object",

    say: function (greet) {

        return greet + ", " + this.name;



one.say('hi'); // "hi, object"

var two = {

    name: "another object"


one.say.apply(two, ['hello']); // "hello, another object"

JavaScript percents (percentage): var p = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);

Interview question:

const a = {

	i: 1,

	toString: function() {

		return a.i++;



if(a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3) {



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