Python function

Python *args and **kwargs *args is the positional arguments in a function and **kwargs is the keyword arguments in s function

Python Set

Python set is immutable. Python set is unordered values with no duplicates. Set operations: Set comprehension

Python Dictionary

Keys for dictionaries have to be immutable types. This is to ensure that the key can be converted to a constant hash value for quick look-ups. Immutable types include integer, floats, strings, tuples. Dictionary comprehension

Python regular expression

Shorthand character class: \d - Any numeric digit from 0 to 9. \D - Any character that is not a numeric digit from 0 to 9. \w - Any letter, numeric digit, or the underscore character. (Think of this as matching “word” characters.) \W - Any character that is not a letter, numeric digit, or ... Read more

Canadian income tax system

There are progressive tax system in Canada. So the more money you make, the more you pay in taxes exponentially. In progressive system, everyone pays the same amount of tax up to the limit for the first tax bracket. Then, any money earned over that amount is taxed at the next rate until that tax ... Read more


Popularity of Python: Python is general purpose programming language. Python is adopted in scientific computing and machine learning areas. The Zen of Python Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. ... Read more