Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents!
Anti-spam plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, invisibly for users and for admins.
- no captcha, because spam is not users' problem
- no moderation queues, because spam is not administrators' problem
- no options, because it is great to forget about spam completely
Plugin is easy to use: just install it and it just works.
What I know now about spam and spam-bots?
- All spam-bots does not have javascript
- Spam-bots submit all inputs from forms so forms are parsed before being submitted
- If input have 'email' in its name than many spam-bots tries to submit email in it automatically
- All spam-bots does not have Cookies (Cookie array is empty)
- Spam is very complicated now, pretty "smart" and fully automated
Have you sold your anti-spam plugin to another company? https://cm-wp.com/
they are spamming my dashboard with ads to upgrade to their pro version - https://anti-spam.space/
Hi Mike.
Yes, I sold Anti-Spam plugin.
You can find original Anti-Spam plugin on Github repo - https://github.com/webvitalii/anti-spam
Hi Webvitaly, your plugin Anti-Spam was great.
Since you have sold this plugin, can you suggest another free one for a non-profit group?
I saw they are all trying to get users to go to a premium business model. Thanks for your past efforts, it was a solid plugin that really worked.
You may try Antispam-Bee, it has very good rating. https://wordpress.org/plugins/antispam-bee/
Yes, it's quite good.Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for your past efforts. Anti-Spam was a really good plugin before v6.5.4.
Are you "by any chance" going to keep maintaining the version your old plugin on GitHub? Maintenance just for future bugs related to new WP core updates or security breaches in the future.
Thank you so much!
Hi Luis Zarza,
Yes, I am planning to maintain the old version of the Anti-Spam plugin via Github.
You can download current version from Github and it should work properly.
Reply there if you have any issues with it and I will try to help.
Hi everyone,
I published a fork of the Anti-Spam plugin to WordPress repository under the name Fortify.
It is cleaner and faster version of the old Anti-Spam plugin with the same functionality as the prev one.
Feel free to use if you need to block spam in comments section.
My site is showing that the link to wp-content/plugins/anti-spam/js/anti-spam-5.3.js is broken and that this file no longer exists??
Hi Jeanne,
Your website uses latest version of Anti-Spam plugin, which is 5.4.
And it depends on this file, which is located on your website - https://tlmcorporation.co.za/wp-content/plugins/anti-spam/js/anti-spam-5.4.js
I cannot tell why your website still requesting the old file.
Can you provide more details where do you see those issues?
Good job
Does this also work in form fields?
Can you explain what do you mean by "form fields"?
I have a formmaker plugin to create contact form and appointment setup form. Does this plugin stop spam comments submitted through the contact form?
Hi Saeed.
Anti-Spam plugin only blocks spam in comments section.
Installed on the site. I see how it protects against spam.
Excellently! Thanks!