html5 tags

<article> - Defines an article
<aside> - Defines content aside from the page content
<audio> - Defines sound content
<canvas> - Defines graphics
<command> - Defines a command button
<datalist> - Defines a dropdown list
<details> - Defines details of an element
<embed> - Defines external interactive content or plugin
<figcaption> - Defines the caption of a figure element
<figure> - Defines a group of media content, and their caption
<footer> - Defines a footer for a section or page
<header> - Defines a header for a section or page
<hgroup> - Defines information about a section in a document
<keygen> - Defines a generated key in a form
<mark> - Defines marked text
<meter> - Defines measurement within a predefined range
<nav> - Defines navigation links
<output> - Defines some types of output
<progress> - Defines progress of a task of any kind
<rp> - Used in ruby annotations to define what to show if a browser does not support the ruby element
<rt> - Defines explanation to ruby annotations
<ruby> - Defines ruby annotations
<section> - Defines a section
<source> - Defines media resources
<summary> - Defines the header of a "detail" element
<time> - Defines a date/time
<video> - Defines a video
<wbr> - Defines a possible line-break

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