javascript this = "Window Doe";
var globalGreet = function() {
  return "My name is " +; // this refers to window
console.log( globalGreet() ); // returns 'My name is Window Doe'

var johnDoe = {
  name : "John Doe",
  greet : globalGreet
console.log( johnDoe.greet() ); // returns 'My name is John Doe'

var person = {
  name : "John Doe",
  greet : function() {
   return "Hi there " +; // this refers to person
console.log( person.greet() ); // returns 'My name is John Doe'

var bindDoe = {
  name : "Bind Doe",
  greet : window.globalGreet.bind(window)
console.log( bindDoe.greet() ); // returns 'My name is Window Doe'


var makeRequest = function(url, callback) {
  // make the request with the provided url
  var data = 10; // json text xml

var obj = {
  someValue : 20,
  loadData : function(data) {
    var sum = this.someValue + data;
    alert(sum); // alerts '30'
  prepareRequest : function() {
    var url = "";
    makeRequest(url, this.loadData.bind(this));

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