
WordPress plugins:

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Plugin Name: Iframe

Plugin URI:

Description: Description of the plugin.

Version: 1.0

Author: webvitaly

Author URI:

License: GPLv3




pagelist depth="1" child_of="this":

page-list depth="1" child_of="parent":

63 thoughts on “Plugins”

  1. Great Plugin, but it stopped working for me a short time ago. I can no longer use get_params_from_url="1"

    The rest is working fine

  2. Hi,

    Sorry if I'm out of topic. I'm looking for multi-language plugin for WordPress, do you have any? Most WP plugins I found out there are quite confusing to use and conflict with SEO plugins I use. Do you have any solution or recommendation? Thank you.

    • Your shortcode is working for me.
      I can see "Melissa Shirley Designs" website inside of iframe.
      Can you share the URL address with the output of the shortcode?

  3. Thank you for your plug in.

    Is there a way for me to do this with a short code?

    I wish to show the page list extended AND the date last modified.

    Basically I wish to combine these two short codes into one:

    [pagelist show_date="modified"] [pagelist_ext]

  4. Hi,

    I've been using your plugin for a while and it worked out great. Although now it loads but disappears immediately for some reason. Could you please help me out with this ?

    Thank you very much.

      • iframe. I'm using it as a lightbox to load up my contact form 7 plugin. All of my shortcodes are fine and have worked for months. Perhaps it's the new wordpress version that screwed up the plugin ? Idk, but for some reason the pop up of the iframe isn,t working anymore.

        Any clue how to fix this ?

        • I do not know what is causing this issue.

          The easiest fix in your case is not to load it in the popup.

          You may just create a separate page with the form and the button will be link to it.

  5. I have updated to the latest WordPress 3.9.1 and iframe no longer works correctly. The width of web pages seems to be fixed. See the exapmle. Otherwise a great plugin.


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