Embed video into post in WordPress

For adding iframe into post or page In WordPress you can use iframe plugin. It helps to add iframe with next shortcode: [iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/3261363"]

Or you can use oEmbed to embed video into post.

The simple use is the next (remove underscore "_" after first openned embed shortcode):

[embed_ width="500" height="400"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3PDXmYoF5U[/embed]

You can embed content from theese video-services:

  • YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3PDXmYoF5U
  • Vimeo
  • DailyMotion - https://soundcloud.com/example/example-the-evolution-of-man
  • blip.tv
  • Flickr (both videos and images)
  • Viddler
  • Hulu
  • Qik
  • Revision3
  • Scribd
  • Photobucket
  • PollDaddy
  • Google Vide
  • WordPress.tv (only VideoPress-type videos for the time being)
  • SmugMug (WordPress 3.0+)
  • FunnyOrDie.com (WordPress 3.0+)

Other solutions:

  1. You can insert HTML of the video into post with the help of "HTML" editor tab, but it will be removed or changed by TinyMCE editor. WordPress removes iframe because of the security reasons.
  2. You can go to "Settings"=>"Media"=>"When possible, embed the media content from a URL directly onto the page..." and enable it, but this feature works not always.

9 thoughts on “Embed video into post in WordPress”

  1. Please help.. Got an iframe widget and tried to put my player, and the iframe disappears. Tried the "cure" with square brackets and no success.. This is the code.
    I am a rank #1 musician (English Tutor, ex programmer 24 years ago) was #4 for dance music, and #485 on all genres on http://www.reverbnation.com/taba and dropping like fleas off a dead dog because nobody can play my music on the old player which is no longer supported by Reverbnation and is on 4 websites with my loyal fans. Free music, free everything it seems from my end.

  2. I am trying to publish to a club web site, mainly used by older people. They may not have all the appropriate security. I want to show them "private" videos such as bowls matches presentations etd
    I would like to avoid using any external URL. If I can upload a video to our hosting provider, can wordpress read that as media?

    • You may upload video to your site using Media section.
      But I would recommend to use YouTube service.
      Upload video to YouTube and embed link with video into your post or page.


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