
Donation via PayPal

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22 thoughts on “Donate”

  1. I installed your anti spam plug in last week. I had been getting 10-15 spam messages a day and have not had ONE since I installed. I have just sent in a donation... excellent product!

    • Thank you very much for your donation. I appreciate it a lot. It is very important for supporting the development of the Anti-spam plugin.

    • Right now Anti-spam plugin blocks only automatic spam.
      I am developing new version of Anti-spam Pro plugin and it will have ability to block most part of manual spam.

  2. I installed your plugin a month ago and since then NO MORE SPAM COMMENTS!!

    I am very glad having found your excellent plugin and therefore I just donated $10.00.

    Best wishes and keep on with the good job!

  3. I recently installed your plugin on a multisite installation that was getting hit by thousands of spam bot comments per day. I've had zero since then.

    I just donated via PayPal. Thanks for a great plugin.

  4. Hello,

    Just installed your plugin on 2 websites: and - for the moment I do not know yet how far it is efficient in fighting brute force attacks.

    On, nothing is visible for the users, I suppose this is the way your plugin should work.

    But on, an extra line and an input field have appeared - if I understood the description of your plugin correctly, all this should be hidden?... (I have replaced the English text with a Hungarian one.)

    Could you please tell me how to make "disappear" that extra line an input field on



  5. I installed Anti-spam on one site and noticed I was not getting any spam.would go to another of my sites lots of spam. so just down loaded on my others sites. just left you a donation thanks very much, Annie Oakley. by the way you were recommended by Erica Stone when i was building a site with one of her products.

    • Thank you very much for your awesome feedback and for donation.
      Your support means alot for me.
      I'm very glad that you liked the plugin.

  6. Привет, хочу поблагодарить за плагин page-list. Как-нибудь можно связаться напрямую (насчет рекламы или обычного перевода)?

  7. Hello,

    Came across your plugin 'Sitemap' and found that there is 'donate' as your means of generating revenue. I am building a web portal to build revenues on similar terms. If you can offer some understanding onto whether you are satisfied with the way your donation works it would be very helpful for building of the portal. Seeing that there are about 130,000 downloads, do people actually come forward to donate to you?

    • From about 500,000+ downloads of all my plugins I got about 5 donations for about $150 totally.

      Future plugins I will try to make via 'freemium' model. There will be two version of the plugin: free (basic features) and pro (paid version with all features).

      If you are building portal than you should think about paid features. IMHO your site will not get enough money from donations.

      Or you may think about ads on your site. From my experience: Google adsense does not give too much money too.

      • Hello my friend, I just started my own site and I have not made much money yet but I sent you a donation this morning, your plugin eliminated the annoying spam we were getting and I really appreciate it. Contact me if you have any cool plugins including anything you think would be great for sports websites. Thank you and keep up the good work.




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