

Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents!

Anti-spam plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, invisibly for users and for admins.

  • no captcha, because spam is not users' problem
  • no moderation queues, because spam is not administrators' problem
  • no options, because it is great to forget about spam completely

Plugin is easy to use: just install it and it just works.


What I know now about spam and spam-bots?

  • All spam-bots does not have javascript
  • Spam-bots submit all inputs from forms so forms are parsed before being submitted
  • If input have 'email' in its name than many spam-bots tries to submit email in it automatically
  • All spam-bots does not have Cookies (Cookie array is empty)
  • Spam is very complicated now, pretty "smart" and fully automated

177 thoughts on “Fortify”

  1. I have this installed and just checked after a long time and have 267,000 spam comments on my comment pages.

    Needless to say, it has failed terribly.

  2. I seem to have been getting a ton of spam the past few weeks on two of my websites. These both have your plugin, and also both have a captcha added too. They both run on the same theme (barely Corporate by ThemeBlvd), so I wonder if there is a problem that this theme has that somehow allows the spam to get through.

  3. Acabo de instalar el anti spam 4.2 y al ir a ver comentarios desde la administración, me aparece este mansaje : Notice: Undefined index: blocked_total in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 12

    A que puede ser debido

  4. hi, does this plugin get rid of historic spam comments that have not been deleted or just new spam after the plugin installation?

  5. Error in Comments page:

    Notice: Undefined index: blocked_total in /home/talhccom/domains/ on line 12

    WordPress Version: Version 4.5.3

  6. Thank you for your great plugin!

    I had 3.5 version, and today I've noticed, that there is 4.2 I deactivated old version, installed new and it is now activated. Should I delete previous version and erase data?

  7. Hola,

    No se porque pero no puedo ver los mensajes que me envian me lo envian a anti-spam pero me dice que tengo que instarlo pero no puedo.

    Alquien me puede ayudar es que tengo mi blog alojado en un dominio y no me deja modificar nada.

    Ademas Jetpack ahora se me ha ido y no puedo volver a conectarlo, me podeis decir que pasa en wordpress??

  8. This is a great little plugin! I've tried it on 2 sites I think. One it had captured about 30 spam comments it a week or so. My question is… are you likely to make it work with contact forms, not just comments? I installed contact form7 (I think it's called) and it would be FANTASTIC is it worked with this too :D

  9. This is a nice plugin, but I don't know why the 'Current Ye@r' fiel started showing up to all user this time around.

  10. Thanks for telling about Anti-Spam. I was not aware of this plugin.

    I will try it .

    Have a great day !!


    Rohit K.

  11. I am using the Plugin "comment Guestbook" version .0.7.1 and I'm unable to submit a comment when the Anti-Spam version 3.5 in activated. When I deactivate anti-spam, I can submit comments but, I also get lots of robo-spam comments.

    This was working at one point. Any suggestions?

  12. My comment is about issues I am having with W3 Total Cache. I keep getting these types of messages across the top of my page in the site dashboard:

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File "/home1/winoo7/public_html/wp-content/plugins/anti-spam/js/anti-spam-3.2.js" doesn't exist.

    I have fixed several by creating the file and adding it at the server thru the file manager, but now I have this one. This is the 3rd. time now?

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you,


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    • The latest version of the Anti-spam plugin is 3.5. And the javascript file should be 'anti-spam-3.5.js' and not 'anti-spam-3.2.js'.

      This issue could be because of CDN cache (if you use CDN) or because plugin for cache or plugin for minification cannot updates its own cache.

      P.S.: Why do you need captcha when you are already using Anti-spam plugin? IMHO you can disable the captcha plugin.

      P.P.S.: I would also not recommend to use plugins for minification because it saves you couple of kilobytes but gives you a lot of unpredictable bugs after plugin updates.


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