Choose your color

Here You can set color in RGB color model and watch at complimentary colors at bottom of the page or just click random color.

Red (0-255)

Green (0-255)

Blue (0-255)


Basic color: #02655f; rgb(2,101,95); hsl(176,96%,20%); black black white white

Complementary colors:

Analogous harmony (H+30): #023964; rgb(2,57,100); hsl(206,96%,20%); black black white white
Analogous harmony (H-30): #02642d; rgb(2,100,45); hsl(146,96%,20%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H+120): #5f0264; rgb(95,2,100); hsl(296,96%,20%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H-120): #645e02; rgb(100,94,2); hsl(56,96%,20%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H+150): #640238; rgb(100,2,56); hsl(326,96%,20%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H-150): #642d02; rgb(100,45,2); hsl(26,96%,20%); black black white white
Complement harmony (H+180): #640207; rgb(100,2,7); hsl(356,96%,20%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S+30): #006660; rgb(0,102,96); hsl(176,100%,20%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S-30): #115551; rgb(17,85,81); hsl(176,66%,20%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L+10): #03968d; rgb(3,150,141); hsl(176,96%,30%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L-10): #01322f; rgb(1,50,47); hsl(176,96%,10%); black black white white