Choose your color

Here You can set color in RGB color model and watch at complimentary colors at bottom of the page or just click random color.

Red (0-255)

Green (0-255)

Blue (0-255)


Basic color: #9f1b96; rgb(159,27,150); hsl(303,71%,36%); black black white white

Complementary colors:

Analogous harmony (H+30): #9d1b53; rgb(157,27,83); hsl(333,71%,36%); black black white white
Analogous harmony (H-30): #641b9d; rgb(100,27,157); hsl(273,71%,36%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H+120): #969d1b; rgb(150,157,27); hsl(63,71%,36%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H-120): #1b959d; rgb(27,149,157); hsl(183,71%,36%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H+150): #559d1b; rgb(85,157,27); hsl(93,71%,36%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H-150): #1b9d63; rgb(27,157,99); hsl(153,71%,36%); black black white white
Complement harmony (H+180): #1b9d22; rgb(27,157,34); hsl(123,71%,36%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S+30): #b800ac; rgb(184,0,172); hsl(303,100%,36%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S-30): #81367d; rgb(129,54,125); hsl(303,41%,36%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L+10): #c922be; rgb(201,34,190); hsl(303,71%,46%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L-10): #71136b; rgb(113,19,107); hsl(303,71%,26%); black black white white