Choose your color

Here You can set color in RGB color model and watch at complimentary colors at bottom of the page or just click random color.

Red (0-255)

Green (0-255)

Blue (0-255)


Basic color: #336881; rgb(51,104,129); hsl(199,43%,35%); black black white white

Complementary colors:

Analogous harmony (H+30): #334080; rgb(51,64,128); hsl(229,43%,35%); black black white white
Analogous harmony (H-30): #338072; rgb(51,128,114); hsl(169,43%,35%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H+120): #803366; rgb(128,51,102); hsl(319,43%,35%); black black white white
Triadic harmony (H-120): #678033; rgb(103,128,51); hsl(79,43%,35%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H+150): #803340; rgb(128,51,64); hsl(349,43%,35%); black black white white
Split complements harmony (H-150): #807233; rgb(128,114,51); hsl(49,43%,35%); black black white white
Complement harmony (H+180): #804b33; rgb(128,75,51); hsl(19,43%,35%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S+30): #18709a; rgb(24,112,154); hsl(199,73%,35%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (S-30): #4e5d65; rgb(78,93,101); hsl(199,13%,35%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L+10): #4184a4; rgb(65,132,164); hsl(199,43%,45%); black black white white
Monochromatic harmony (L-10): #24495b; rgb(36,73,91); hsl(199,43%,25%); black black white white